This Month
ES Productions

Tip Jar
Thanks for your donations!

This Month's Strips

Here's the latest and greatest of Sabrina Online. If you're just joining us, you might want to catch yourself up with the archive of previous comic strips.

Available Now! - 'Sabrina Online - Homecoming and Skunks' Day Out' - This softcover volume collects the second and third story volumes of the new Sabrina Online comic from Eric Schwartz, It is approxinately 120 pages and in full color. This fine collection along with past books will be available for online order from United Publications,, as well as (search for 'Sabrina Online') and other online retailers.

Support the creation of new Sabrina Online comic stories at the Sabrina Patreon!

Check out the archive for past comic strips and stories.

'Sabrina Online - Stripes and Links', January 2025 Update.

'Sabrina Online' first appeared on the web on September 15, 1996. It seemed fitting to bring the strip to a close twenty years to the day later, ending with a bang (of sorts) rather than keeping the strip plodding along month to month indefinitely without any focus or goal. I want to thank all of Sabrina's readers and fans out there, whether you've been there from the start or discovered the strip more recently. You all are the power that helped me keep the comic rolling as long as it has. While all good things must end, Sabrina, R.C., Zig Zag, Amy, and everyone else are not gone. It's only the regular monthly strip that is completed, but new stories and works from the Sabrina-verse will pop up from time to time. Just drop by for news and info, whether on this site, Furaffinity, or elsewhere. Thanks again to everyone. I can only hope you enjoyed the two-decade ride anywhere near as much as I did. - Eric W. Schwartz

Sabrina Online has a tip jar (in that purple bar on the left) - Donate or don't-nate.

Fur After Dark

WARNING!: Some links are NSFW or Adults Only.

The character of Thomas Woolfe was originally created by Michael Higgs, and is used in this comic with his permission. Zig Zag appears courtesy of Max Black Rabbit (with permission), and is his intellectual property. Page, graphics, and characters ©2024 Eric W. Schwartz. Commercial rights reserved.

This website created and designed by Eric W. Schwartz ©2025. HTML files and web graphics created using Amiga and MorphOS computers and software.